Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Fashion photography

 Here is an example of a catalogue photograph  it's very plain and boring compared to the fashion photography below. The high end photograph doesn't focus of on the clothes so much, this particular photograph is by Tim Walker, one of my personal favourite photographers. Mulberry recently have undertaken his wild and massive photograph in their adverts making the product more desirable and interesting. 

Photography brief: Marie Antoinette

I have chosen the film Marie Antoinette to base my photo shoot on. I want to focus on the costume, make up and composition because i feel these are the most important for creating a character through an image. To do this i will use a volunteer to be dressed up, have the style of hair and make up done and pose in a similar demure way.  
Photography  25/09/2013

For the light trail photographs we used a slow shutter speed such as 1/4 of a second. These show the movement created by the torch, creating shapes like a heart or star.

For the rest of the photographs we used a quicker shutter speed to catch the jumping or water mid air. To achieve these images we used 1000 of a second.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Here is another example of my editing. I wanted to make a leaf collage of all the autumn colours merging into one. I changed the colours and sharpness to make everything stand out and to make it feel warm. I also changed the exposure through the trees. 

In our photography lesson today the 18th of September our teacher gave us some photographs to practise and play with so we got used to adobe photoshop lightroom 4. I chose the photo of Tower Bridge to play with because it started off like the first photograph, i wanted to change it to become a sunset shot where the sky is deep orange and you can just make out some of the finer details of Tower Bridge.   

To achieve this i drastically changed the highlights, tone curve and the exposure. I made the sun look like it was shining really bright through the exposure tool. i changed the sharpness of the river to keep the shows from the bridge a main focus of the photo. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Edexcel BTEC level 3 National in Creative Media Production

Edexcel BTEC level 3 National in Creative Media Production

PROJECT TITLE: Fashion photography inspired by the movies
Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice – all grading criteria -  pass (P), merit (M) and distinction (D)

Brief: To produce a display of 8 good photographic fashion images  based around the theme or genre of cinema. You need to choose a particular film or genre and produce work inspired by elements of that film that would be suitable for a magazine fashion spread or series of advertising posters. You will conduct  2 shoots for this project, one in the studio and one on location.


Work to be handed in for  A - Wednesday of Week 8 Term 1 16th Oct 2013 1.00pm

Work to be handed in for  B - Wednesday of Week 6 Term 2 11th Dec 2013 1.00pm

Work to be handed in for  C - Wednesday of Week 2 Term 3 15th Jan 2014 1.00pm

  • C1) Display  of 8 final images. Photographs  should be taken with a DSLR  camera. Post production work  in Adobe Lightroom  Adobe Photoshop or similar program. P2, M2, D2, P3, M3, D3
  • A1) Your fashion brief stating the film or genre you  will base your images on and the style required. Research your chosen film with examples of  images  that you will base your shots around P1, M1, D1
  • C2) Planning for your studio and location shoot either as sketches or brainstorms. Include a risk assessment  P2, M2, D2, P3, M3, D3
  • A2) Research fashion images by other photographers from existing magazine and catalogues. Discuss the different applications of fashion images. Analysis of at least three examples including a named fashion photographers P1, M1,D1
  • B1) A research piece on different applications of photography.  You will find minimum three different types of photography with example images for each. P1,  M1, D1,
  • A3) Notes on technical aspects of photography with your photographic examples including  composition, DSLR cameras, shutter speeds, depth of field, ISO and  studio lighting and equipment. P4, M4, D4
  • C3) Evidence of stages of digital image manipulation work such as   cropping,  levels, colour balance, contrast and saturation adjustment, clone tool, filters. P2, M2, D2
  • C4) Developmental work of your images including trial shoots, contact sheets, notes with your images on exposure, image manipulation and printing. P2, M2, D2
  • C5) Research piece on Black and White Film photography P2, M2, D2
  • C6) Evaluation of  your final photographs commenting on your work in context to professional practice and using correct terminology. P4, M4, D4
All work should be submitted in a folder/log book or as a website or blog
Email the link to Clearly write in the title unit 57 and your name.

All work will be assessed against the Unit Assessment Criteria Sheets for the  unit as pass (P), merit (M) and distinction (D). The criteria are:
  1. Different applications of photography
  2. Use photographic equipment
  3. Produce photographic images
  4. Evaluate your own work

                                                 ASSESMENT AND GRADING CRITERIA


Assessment and grading criteria
P1 describe different applications
of photography with some
appropriate use of subject

M1 explain different applications
of photography with
reference to detailed
illustrative examples, and
with generally correct use of
subject terminology

D1 critically evaluate different
applications of photography
with supporting arguments
and elucidated examples,
consistently using subject
terminology correctly

P2 use photographic equipment
and employ photographic
techniques with some

M2 use photographic equipment
and employ photographic
techniques to a good
technical standard with only
occasional assistance

D2 use photographic equipment
and employ photographic
techniques to a technical
quality that reflects nearprofessional
working independently to
professional expectations

P3 produce photographic images
for a specified purpose with
relevant planning material,
working within appropriate
conventions and with some

M3 produce photographic images
for a specified purpose with
relevant planning material to
a good technical standard,
showing some imagination
and with only occasional

D3 produce photographic images
for a specified purpose with
relevant planning material to
a technical quality that reflects
near-professional standards,
showing creativity and flair
and working independently
to professional expectations

P4 comment on own
photographic work with
some appropriate use of
subject terminology.

M4 explain own photographic
work with reference to
detailed illustrative examples
and with generally correct
use of subject terminology
D4 critically evaluate own
photographic work in the
context of professional
practice with supporting
arguments and elucidated
examples, and consistently
using subject terminology

To the

First lesson

First photography lesson- 8 images representing the 8 rules of composition in photography.

This is an example of the rule, leading lines. The stair rails are the leading lines in this case because they lead up to the model making your eyes become drawn to her. 

 This rule is the point of view, i decided to take a photo from above because it shows a different kind of point of you compared to how we usually see things. Another way of doing this would be doing it from a birds eye view.

 Another rule is the rule where you frame something. Here i framed the model in a door way as a simple way to frame someone.
 I thought that this could represent the reflection/mirroring rule. I thought that the bike stand mirrors it's self either way.
 This particular photograph the images kind of frames and mirrors at the same time and also a rule of thirds in a way.
 Also tilting the camera is another rule where you just simple tilt the camera either way to take a different approach to looking at the photograph.
Pattern is also in the 8 rules... patterns of lockers.
This is another tilt of the red curtains at the entrance of one of our theatres.